Perkins Panda teaches literacy skills Perkins School for the Blind has announced the upcoming launch of the Perkins Panda Early Literacy Program a unique compilation of materials that teach fundamental early literacy skills to children who are blind or visually impaired and help parents to become involved in their child's development. Perkins Panda is the central character in a set of three storybooks in uncontracted braille with high-contrast illustrations and tactile elements. The books are complemented by activity guides and cassettes featuring songs and stories written and performed by children's entertainer Odds Bodkins. A stuffed plush panda with a backpack for carrying program materials, including a tape player if desired is one of several available options. The program has been designed for children from birth to eight years of age and the parents, families, and professionals who care for them; it is also intended for older children with multiple disabilities and for adults with visual impairments to use with sighted children. The Perkins Panda Early Literacy Program is expected to be available in late April 2004. To learn more, visit the Perkins School web site and follow the link to "publications." To join the mailing list, place an order, or ask questions, call 800-972-7671 or e- mail